Sl. No. | Section Reference | Information | Information Available |
01 | 4(1)(b)(i) | Organizational |
02 | 4(1) (b)(ii) | Duties of officers and employees |
03 | 4(1)(b)(iii) | Decision Making Process | -Decisions at College level matters are taken by Principal along with College Council |
04 | 4(1)(b) (iv) | Norms set for discharge of its functions | - As per University Norms -As per department Rules/ Regulations/ Notifications |
05 | 4(1) (b) (v) | The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held at institution | - As per University Norms -As per department Rules/ Regulations/ Notifications |
06 | 4(1) (b) (vi) | Categories of documents held by the Institution | 1 Administration related like organization and employees 2 Financial related like Budget, Expenditure and Contingencies etc. 3 Students Related records like Registration, Results etc. |
07 | 4(1) (b) vii) | Consultative Arrangements | - Not Applicable
08 | 4(1)(b(viii) | Boards/Councils/Committees | - No Boards/Councils/Committees |
09 | 4(1)(b)(ix) | Directory of officers and employees | - Principal and other Staff 01732-20019
10 | 4(1)(b)(x) | Pay Scales of Officers and Employees |
11 | 4(1)(b)(xi) | Budget allocated including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. |
12 | 4(1)(b)(xii) | The manner of execution of subsidy programmes | - As per State Govt. Schemes |
13 | 4(1)(b)(xiii) | Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority |
14 | 4(1)(b)(xiv) | Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in on electronic form | Available information in electronic form is available on website |
15 | 4(1)(b)(xv) | The particulars of facilities available to citizens | - Not Applicable |
16 | 4(1)(b)(xvi) | Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers | 1. SPIO- Suresh Kumar Assistant Professor (M) 7973860315 2 .ASPIO- Ms. Ena Ahuja Assistant Professor
17 | 4(1)(b)(xvii) | Any other Information | - Not Available |